She also had a maid working since back when her father was alive, but left when Rin entered middle school, leaving her uniform behind. After her father was killed, Rin continued to improve her sorcery with some guidance from Kirei Kotomine. Her mother, Aoi Tohsaka, was left in a debilitated state from the war, so her care was left to her guardian, Kirei Kotomine. Ten years ago, Tokiomi Tohsaka was selected as a Master in the 4th Holy Grail War, and Rin was entrusted to take care of the Tohsaka estate until his return. Rin was brought up as the successor to her family's Magecraft, and was instructed by her father to prioritize magecraft over her own interests. Nagato was a kirishitan WP, as well as a pupil of Zelretch these titles gave him considerable influence in both the Mage's Association and the Holy Church, allowing the Tohsaka family to participate in the Holy Grail Wars, free from harassment by either organization. The land of Fuyuki City, which possessed the second greatest spiritual power in all Japan, was owned by Rin's ancestor, Nagato Tohsaka at the behest of the Einzberns, he provided his property as battleground for present and future wars. Two centuries ago, the Tohsaka House, in collaboration with the estates of Makiri and Einzbern, helped found the Fuyuki Holy Grail Wars. 2.4 The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi II.